Liberalism is Semantics with Passion

Friday, January 26, 2007

Is Harper courting Muslim Voters?

Well ill let you setup this series of domino’s, a few weeks prior he courts Former Liberal MP Wajid Khan in the prestigious world of Tory Backbenchdom, Yesterday The CPC offers aid to Lebanon and today a formal apology to Arar along with the sum of $12.5 million dollars. Very interesting…
The one thing we can be certain is that PM Harper is not acting on behalf of all Canadians - far from it - his actions lean towards self benefit in the form of a majority government in the next election. Immigrant voters are an essential backbone for Liberal electorate, these actions act as a means to wedge these traditional Grit voters. Some might argue this is simply smart politics, which one would be hard pressed to rebuttal - but is it the right thing to do for a Prime Minister to orchestrate a belief that the CPC really cares about the rights of minorities in this country?

Lets not forget this is the party of Rondo Thomas.

And more recently the antics of Jim Prentice and First Nations Peoples.

Oh right - Lets not forget about the plight of Women

And to round it all off - the big thorn in the CPC’s side - the LGBT community

Shall I continue…

Yesterdays aid package to Lebanon (as I wrote) could have been seen as a possible change in Harpers attitude, alas, that was just a dream. This party doesn’t care about minorities, Muslims, Women, the LGBT community, etc. To the CPC your either a nuisance or a possible voter.

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