Liberalism is Semantics with Passion

Monday, January 29, 2007

OYL Unlimited is Pretty Fly

Many of us who work closely with OYL (Ontario Young Liberals) have come to relay on this association for coordination and support throughout the years. OYL is not just a group of young Canadians who gather and discuss politics, this organization has come to be a family of sorts to many of us. What this family shares, is a strong sense of progress in Canada and abroad.

This year a group of some of the leading members of this organization have come forth in the shape of OYL Unlimited. Each of these Liberals bring forth a uniquely individual quality, many of them I have had to work with throughout the years, but the one genuine quality each member of OYL Unlimited share is passion. I don’t mean this with generic sense of praise. If you have the opportunity to meet some of these candidates, I assure you - you will recall this post and realize, "Man, Liberal Semantics was right..". I promise, OYL Unlimited does not disappoint.

I have been a member of the Liberal Party since the age of 15, and in those years I have always worked to make sure that groups like OYL function with firmness and purpose. But I am truly excited to work with a strong and well lead group - many of whom I have worked with for years; and am quite pleased at the prospect that the will head up OYL.

It is my pleasure to place my humble support behind OYL Unlimited. Give'm Hell Guys! and Good Luck!

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