Interesting move, and to be honest I was taken by surprise on this one. For months Garth (Turner) and the Green Party looked like a pretty strong match. But much to my surprise Turner’s going Grit. I mean on a political level - a Turner for Khan trade looks pretty good for the Liberals. But wow, this sure does look bad for the Grits from a PR point of view.
I mean for a few weeks it looked like the Liberals finally had the upper hand on the whole floor-crossing debate with the move of Wajid Khan. But if one really looks at these two MP’s “moves“, they have some similarities. Both Khan and Turner were outcasts amongst their parties - Turner was to outspoken; so the Tories kicked him out. While Khan was to quite; so the Liberals kicked him out. The only difference I can see is in the possible responses of each of Khan’s and Turner’s constituency. One might recall that Turners riding of Halton has been held by a Liberal since 1997, for the exception of Turners 2006 win with the Tories. Whereas in Khans riding of Mississauga-Streetsville (which has come about from the former ridings of Mississauga-Brampton South and Brampton West) have all been strong Liberal seats since the mid 1990’s. Nevertheless, these thoughts do not condoned floor-crossing on the basis of prior electoral results - there’s really never a stand-out winner when someone switches parties. That MP will always have the stigma of being a floor crosser and in the short term it hurts the political party to whom they have flocked to.
I never liked the idea of MP’s moving to another party without an immediate by-election. Obviously there are circumstances for both Khan and Turner’s move’s but nevertheless I hope Turner and the Liberals do the right then and commit to a by-election.
There is a press conference at 5pm tonight; lets sit back and see what Turner and Dion have to say on the matter and we can move forward on the subject (hopefully with some encouraging news - namely a by-election).
So Party On Garth!
It is probably true that Garth Turner has a far better chance of being re-elected than Wajid Khan, although I should note prior to 1993 this was a very safe conservative seat and provincially has gone conservative pretty much every election. I would argue this is a centre-right riding and only votes Liberal since the Tories are too right wing. If their leader was more moderate, this would be a safe Tory riding.
Likewise Mississauga-Streetsville would be winneable for the Tories if they were more centrist.
Hey Miles,
I couldn’t agree with you more - Dion is pushing for the "big centrist" vote. Moderate voters are the base of GTA electorate.
Between, Khan, Emerson, Fortier and Turner. I just don’t see the first three having a strong shot at getting re-elected. That still doesn’t change the fact that floor-crossing or non-elected members being appointed to the cabinet is to be frank, frustrating - but lets just wait and see what happens next.
Hey Ex-NDIP,
Hahaha…If the Green’s don’t want him, fine. Their loss! - But can this guy be so bad that a FRINGE party would refuse him on the count of the fact that he‘s a “scary guy”? their has to have been a bigger reason? Where’d you hear this rumour of the Green-Turner rejection?
Rumour is just what it is. I've heard Elizabeth May say on more than one occasion she'd love to have Garth Turner in her party.
LOL. Love the Garth pic. Schwing!
Im glad somebody commented on that picture - Thanks Jason!
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