Last January’s election brought five major promises from the Harper government, and in all fairness they have followed through with the likes of the GST cut along with the $1200 Childcare package. But I came across an interesting article in these early morning hours.
Apparently Minister of Health Tony Clement feels that their hasn’t been sufficient time to address and create a proper timeline for one of Harper’s big election promises. He spoke to reporters about healthcare wait times stating:
Now before we all jump on the “broken promise” bandwagon - stop. This is not (at this point) a broken election promise, rather one giant comma. But what frightens me is what comes after that comma. Those of us who follow the actions of governments know that politics really comes down to two things: Language and Intent.
For example, it is no secret that many within the CPC flirt with the introduction of some form of privatized healthcare services within Canada. Now it would be unfair if I didn’t admit that I to have pondered the notion of a two-tier healthcare system in Canada - but ultimately have decided on staying put with my position favouring universal health care, under any circumstance - but I digress.
Now if we take a gander over to the CPC webpage we find this interesting excerpt in regards to healthcare.
Now on the surface words like “innovation” and “equitable public health care” all sound promising, but keep in mind these words come from a Tory viewpoint - which sadly have some open-minded opinions about private health care. Now lets be frank, the only real way to cut wait times in Universal healthcare system is more funding - so you would think that funding, or at the very least the issue of money would be discussed when the Minister of Health in conference with various Health Ministers.
Well, you’d be wrong.
"There were no negotiations and money wasn't on the agenda" , according to Clement.
That comma just got a little bit scarier didn’t it? Now don’t you all worry, im not one to advocate some big bad Tory conspiracy to ruin Healthcare in Canada (lets remember, Tories use and need the same healthcare system we use) but the recent language of Tony Clement along with the CPC’s intent to “innovate” healthcare is at least cause for concern - well for those who support a fully public funded healthcare system. But if innovation would result in less wait times along with the preservation of the public health care system, then kudos Mr. Harper - if not, well then we have a problem.
Perhaps Im reading into this far to much - but alas, sometimes it’s the smallest clues that have the biggest impacts. But perhaps some can comment and provide some insight into the topic - but in doing so I also place this challenge to fellow Liberals not to fall into the “Tories are simply out to ruin healthcare” argument - and vice versa to my Tory readers not to get into this “We don’t need to do anything because the Liberals have ruined everything” argument.
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